The organising team
Ciara Dwyer
Loughborough UniversityI am a post-doctoral researcher at Lund University researching pollinators. My PhD work explored the drivers of plant communities in coastal wetlands. I am also a member of the BSBI Events and Communications committee, and chairing the morning session today.
Ellen Goddard
Loughborough University am a PhD student at Loughborough University working on carnivorous plants. I am also a member of the BSBI Events and Communications committee and have helped organise the Exhibition Meeting.
George Garnett
I am a PhD student at the University of Cambridge, researching the convergent evolution of betalain pigments in the core Caryophyllales. I have been a member of the BSBI Events and Communications committee since 2018.
Isobel Girvan
As Principal Ecologist at Surrey Wildlife Trust Ecology Services I get to identify plants at work and then identify more at the weekend on field trips. I am a member of BSBI Events & Communications Committee.
Jodey Peyton'm an ecologist at the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology and I'm also Chair of BSBI Events & Communications Committee, the amazing team behind today's event!
Kylie Jones
Kylie has been a member of the Events & Communications Committee since 2015 and is currently the Committee's Secretary. She will be Chair for the third session of talks at this year's AEM.
In day-to-day life Kylie is the Operational Biodiversity and Plastics Manager for Anglian Water, responsible for operational legislative compliance in relation to wildlife and the biodiversity management of >7000ha of land across the East of England and Hartlepool, with a sideline in leading the plastic waste reduction strategy for the business.

Louise Marsh
BSBI louise.marsh@bsbi.orgBlog:
BSBI's Communications Officer, responsible for keeping the website updated, answering enquiries, promoting the society’s work to a wider audience. I oversee BSBI's social media platforms, edit the new monthly eNewsletter for members & supporters, and the News & Views blog. I've helped with organising the Exhibition Meeting and am exhibiting a few posters about BSBI activities. I'll be mostly behind the scenes on the day, sharing links in 'chat' and live-tweeting when I can using the #BSBIExhibitionMeeting hashtag.
Moira O'Donnell
nervousbotanist@gmail.comI'm on the BSBI Events & Communications Committee and have helped to organise the Exhibition Meeting. I'm also part of the #wildflowerhour team on twitter and help with #wildflowerID enquiries. I'll be helping with social media on the day.
Ryan Clark
ryanclarkecology@gmail.comRyan works for the monitoring and research team of the Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire Wildlife Trust. He has particular interest in vascular plants, solitary bees, beetles and bryophytes. Ryan sits on the Events & Communications Committee of the BSBI and will be helping out behind the scenes on the day.